Jenni Berrett

Jenni Berrett


Jenni Berrett is a 19 year old writer and dog walker living in the Central Valley of California. She is a big fan of all things literary, feminist, and featuring Amy Poehler. She has a knack for rap lyrics and a strange obsession with Werner Herzog documentaries (they are boring and exciting AT THE SAME TIME). You can find her on Twitter @jenni__bee.

Jenni Berrett Articles


5 Lady-Led Podcasts You Need In Your Life

Podcasts are a beautiful thing, but there is only so much of Ira Glass’ nasal story-telling out there.

"I don’t view my mental illness as something that gets in the way of a happy or meaningful future, but rather a practical reality of the life I live and plan to continue living."

I Don't Need To "Cure" My Chronic Mental Illness To Be Happy

I’ve been mentally ill pretty much my whole entire life, and it isn’t something I see going away any time soon. I don’t see that as an inherently bad thing.

"Crying Girl" by Roy Lichtenstein, 1963

Emergency Self-Care: Tips For Loving Yourself During A Crisis

...self-care is a process. Ideally, you treat yourself with kindness daily, engaging in acts of self care that function as either a reminder to relax in the midst of everyday stresses, part of a life saving regimen to sustain your mental well being, or a little bit of both.

It was the night before my father’s funeral that I finally asked the tarot for help.

Using Tarot To Work Through Trauma

It was the night before my father’s funeral that I finally asked the tarot for help. I was incapable of imagining a future where I delivered his eulogy.

If you’re hoping to comfort someone who’s grieving, here are a couple of things you shouldn’t do.

My Dad Died — Here Are 3 Things You SHOULDN'T Do To Help Me

My dad died. I only know my own grief, and even that is debatable. If you’re hoping to comfort someone who’s grieving, here are a couple of things to know.

Sometimes faking it can feel like yet another shame-based attempt to conceal my mental illness.

Should You Really Fake It Till You Make It?

More than any other unsolicited mental health advice I’ve received over the course of my life is the admonishment to “fake it till you make it.”

Politics is rational AND emotional. Accept it. (Image Credit: Thinkstock)

The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Yourself This Election

If you find yourself feeling hurt, mad, sad, etc. about the election this year, go ahead and feel it. Cry in front of your dad. Eat some queso. When it’s all said and done, feel how you need to feel. The only way to foster a healthy relationship between emotion and politics is to acknowledge that there is one in the first place, and that it probably needs fixing.


Films That Totally Fail The Sexy Lamp Test

I don’t think the bar is low enough. We obviously need a way to work up to the Bechdel Test. Baby steps. And we all know women love babies.

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Dogs, Obviously

We have returned from our long (jk, two week) hiatus to deliver you the Internet you live and breathe for!

The premise is pretty simple: We each give you one thing to watch, one thing to listen to, and one thing to read over the weekend.

Read/Watch/Listen To This: Chihuahua Police Chase Edition

This week includes mostly chihuahuas. You're welcome.
