Marnie Goodfriend is an author, sexual violence intervention speaker, and 2016 PEN Center USA Emerging Voices fellow. She typically writes about women's health, mental illness, family, trauma, adoptee rights, and relationships. Her forthcoming memoir, Birth Marks, chronicles her journey as a child illegally sold to a family by an infamous baby broker.
Marnie Goodfriend Articles
Looking at her left-behind crossword puzzles, I had retrieved at least one constant in my mother’s life: her love of puzzles and word games.
Read...There is no support or safety net to break one’s fall when friendships fade or split apart. There's not an acceptable period of isolation.
Read...My vagina knew months before I did that we weren’t going to paddle off into the sunset together.
Read...I was a person diagnosed with a condition who simply but desperately needed access to the medication prescribed to me. It was their solution, not mine.